Saturday, September 29, 2012


Disclaimer: This post is about me, hence I'm sure not many would be interested to read it, nevertheless I wanted to start with some topic and couldn't think of any for a start. Hence I decided, I shall post whatever comes to my mind today..

I have been thinking aloud for quite sometime as to how to use the weekends and my spare time productively.. I'm basically a person who doesn't know whether he is lazy or whether he is super active, I guess I'm basically in between. My spare time these days pass by spending time with my lil daughter. But there are times when I feel I need to do something, rather than just watching TV and reading.. TV these days is really addictive with so many programs and I don't want to get trapped (though I'm writing this in front of the TV :-) ). I really want to do something really really useful which will defintely make me a better person.

One thing could be to read, I have so many backlogs of books in my shelf. Again my patience which was once upon a time my hallmark has become a liability for me. The more you grow, the more patient you would become, for me its becoming exactly the reverse. So many events throughout the day make you frustrated & impatient you know, but somehow I need to recapture my strength again. I know patience is virtue, but I'm still not able to figure out how do I recapture it. All of my close friends would be a bit surprised to read this, for they wouldn't have seen me impatient, but ask my wife :-)

I also feel I act amateurish at times, when the condition demands again the opposite. I am feeling very despondent at times, simply don't know the reason. I am also feeling frustrated in case the planned things don't work out. I know I need to be a role model for my kid and I'm acting exactly the opposite. I know I need to be the leader at home and with these behaviors, I don't deserve to.

When I come across so many people of my age who have accomplished a lot, I feel as though I've achieved nothing (which in reality is the truth). I don't know what I would be 10 years down the line. I also don't know if I'm capable of doing any other work in case of any adversities to my current job. Again, I'm not. So how do I support my family? I simply don't know as of now.

I'm not a risk taker so far. I guess I need to start doing that. Start doing things differently than I have done before. If I ask myself the question whether I'm doing the work I like to, truth is I'm not. I'm aware that for most of the people, the answer is the same. Thirty years down the line, when I retrospect my life, I need to be proud of myself for having led a dignified life and for having achieved things which I had liked to.

So how do I start now? Below are the action items which I need to follow,
a) Be fit
b) Learn different languages for it would definitely help me in the future
c) Take initiatives, both in the professional & personal lives. What kind of initiatives, I don't know as of now
d) Sleep less
e) Equip myself to grow in my career
f) Take risks in life - I need to start doing these now
g) Continue writing articles, for I know I like writing and I also know I'm slightly good at that
h)Don't stick to a set of mundane routines, try changing those
i) Be smart in whatever I do
j) Reduce the time in front of my laptop & smartphone, unless there is work
k) Spend more time with my kid - my wife will really be happy, she keeps on saying this
l) Do an effective time management - I'm pathetic at this, any tips are most welcome :-)
m) Persist with whatever I do for a longer time - there are umpteen examples of things which I have started and left within a couple of weeks.

So here I come, hopefully a new person for the better. I hope i would overcome my laziness and continue posting on multiple topics in the coming days.

- Ram

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